3 Skincare Secrets Everyone Needs To Know

3 Skincare Secrets Everyone Needs To Know

3 Skincare Secrets Everyone Needs To Know


With all the to-dos parents have today, its hard to find a free 5 minutes in the day to do anything, let alone add another skin care process to the end of your day. We know firsthand how precious time is, and we have a secret to share with you!

It would be impossible to stay consistent with a skincare routine if we needed to spend more time adding steps to it, that’s why our secret recipe for a perfect skincare routine is in substituting what you already do, with more effective steps.

That’s right, you only need to change the “what”. No need to add more time to those daily routines or buy a plethora of new products. These simple but natural product and food changes can be found in almost any local grocery store or on-line and shipped directly to your door. Now you are talking our language. So, what are these 3 secrets? They are as follows: Feed, Clean, and Moisturize. 

Let us start with FEED. It is not crazy to think what you put into something is what you get out of something. So, when it comes to our body and our skin, (which is the largest of all the organs in our body) if we are not feeding it the correct food, we can expect issues. Have you ever overindulged in the chocolate that you significant other got you for Valentine’s Day to wake up with a brand-new shiny red pimple? It could be coincidence or maybe there is a connection. We believe so. Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables makes a big difference in your skin. Few other foods that keep your skin healthy are fatty fish, avocados, and walnuts. And most importantly, water! Drinking half of our body weight (lbs) in ounces of water makes a huge difference in our skin. We are what we eat (and drink), and our skin is the organ that shows these results first.

Now let’s talk about CLEANING the skin, but before we need to understand that our skin is a carrier, not a barrier. When we clean our skin, the ingredients we use can have either nourishing or unhealthy effects. Many commercial products are loaded with toxins and harsh chemicals, that not only irritate our skin, but can cause long term negative effects in our overall health, by the skin absorbing it directly into our systems. Click here to read a blog post talks about this in more detail. Nothing cleans better than old fashioned natural soap. Natural and handmade soaps goes through a process called saponification, where natural oils turn into soap and glycerin, cleaning and keeping the skin safe at the same time.

Last but not least, MOISTURIZING. To understand how important moisturizing is, we need to look back in history. When America was found, Europeans used to take weekly baths with soaps, and the Native Americans took daily baths in open rivers and streams, without soap. Nowadays, we merged both and we take daily baths, with soaps, and add hot water to the mix. Because of that, our skin need extra love, but the last thing we want to do is to load it with chemicals after it has already lost some of its natural protection. The best way to moisturize our skin is with natural oils and butters. These ancient products have been used for skincare since beginning of time, they are toxin free, additive free and very effective as both moisturizers and to help create the barrier between the skin and the environment, naturally.      

Not everything we share is as simple as this, but we are here to help you simplify natural living and have a joyful life! If you want to  take steps towards this new routine, we can help you get started with our all natural old-fashioned handmade soaps and lotion bars (you guessed, made with ONLY plant oils & butters). Click here to check out our soaps, and here for our lotions.