Here's My Exact Guide To Healthy Living!
There are 4 main areas of our lives that has greater impact on our health. We're here to empower you by teaching about these four areas, and help you use this information to take action today!
The first area we need to take control if we want to be healthy is our thoughts, our mind. This is not some “crazy-voohoo”, this is both science and biblical. We must fix our thoughts on what is praise worthy. If you want to be healthy, you have to start here.
Second, we have to take control of what we eat. Every cell in our body is renewed in 7 to 10 years, what we eat helps heal or kill us. We need to be mindful of everything we eat and how we want to live tomorrow.
Third, nobody wants to hear, but I have to say! How much we move is very important for our health. You don’t have to be a “gym rat”, but you have to find a physical activity you enjoy doing (it can be walking, play games, etc), and move your body 6 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
Last, but not least, what our skin absorbs is extremely important for our health. If you want to be healthy you have to pay attention on the products you are applying to your skin. You may not know that but the chemicals applied to our skin has greater cancer risk than the chemicals we eat. This is because we bypass the works of the liver and intestines when absorbing chemicals thru the skin. HERE is a post with more details on that.
To help you take action today, we created a free guide with steps you can take in each of these areas to start living healthy today. Click HERE to download this FREE Guide.